Yep, that’s my age. It’s not who I am.
Taking my cue from some Europeans I read about – they always seem more sophisticated than everyone else, right? – I decided last December 13 to own my age instead of be defined by it.
I am not 43 years old! I have, as a Parisian might say, 43 years of love, joy, sadness, grief, friendship, success, failure, anger, envy, laughter, desire, rejection, kindness – i.e. experience – and hopefully wisdom.
It’s my declaration that life shouldn’t end when your age starts with a 4, 5 or 6. Though the world of entertainment, various media and gay culture would have us believe it does end in every way that matters – no relevance, no fun, no love – I intend to dance through my fifth decade and beyond as a fascinating new chapter where I continue to get to know and love the main character.
I know there are other gay men out there who feel the same way. Our world is on the cusp of great change, including same-sex marriage equality. It’s time to recommit to living full and rewarding lives. Many are already doing it through creativity, intelligence, compassion, loving relationships and, when ignorance about who we are persists, a no-holds-barred determination to bring about more change.
THE WILL DEAN SHOW signifies a new day for gay men. It’s a blog designed to inform, provoke, entertain and inspire its readers and participants. Each week it features different topics, such as fitness, relationships, politics, philanthropy, sports, style, the arts, technology and more.
Despite its name, the blog is more than my musings and observations. There are interviews with the experts, authors, community leaders and everyday guys who excel or offer new thought in their particular fields. So keep reading and let me know your thoughts on the topics and what you’d like to see featured.
When I was growing up, struggling to understand my differences, there really weren’t any out-and-proud gay men I could look to for support, guidance and kinship. Like a lot of kids who don’t fit in with their families and peers, I escaped the hostile world through reading, writing, drawing and television.
It was through TV talk shows that I first heard gay people discuss their issues and dreams. As hokey as it may sound, “The Phil Donahue Show” held up a mirror and helped me see for the first time that I was going to be OK.
THE WILL DEAN SHOW is an homage to Mr. Donahue, chat queen Oprah Winfrey and all other creative outlets that encourage us to validate, enrich and live our lives.
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